Car Refinance Calculator
Calculation based on: |
Current Loan |
Monthly Payment | |
Car Loan Balance Left | |
Annual Interest |
Initial Loan Amount | |
Loan Duration | |
Time left | |
Annual Interest |
New Loan |
New Loan Duration | |
New Annual Interest | |
Discount Points | |
Costs and fees | |
Cash widthdraw or add? | |
Widthdraw amount: | |
Add money amount: |
To deliver an estimate... "Calculate" button
Result |
Refinancing would be less cost-effective. The new loan will be paid off 17 month(s) slower. The Effective APR of the new loan will be 7.49%, which is 0.24% higher than the current financing. The total extra cost of the new loan will be $2,020.48. |
New Monthly Payment: $584.19 |
The origination fee and all fees to get the refinance obtained is $500.00. The total amount to be paid upfront is $1,200.00. |
Current loan | New loan | Difference | |
Monthly pay | $750.00 | $584.19 | $-165.81 |
APR/Interest rate | 7.25% | 7.49% | -0.24% |
Loan length | 55 months | 72 months | 17 months |
Total payments | $41,241.22 | $42,061.71 | $820.48 |
Total interest | $6,241.22 | $7,061.71 | $820.48 |
Pay upfront (Cost+Points) | $1,200.00 |
Cite as followed:
Zemtsov, I. "Car Refinance calculator"., 1st Oct 2023. Published at: Accessed: Oct 8, 2024.