Auto Loan Calculator

Enter Loan Data:
Car Price
Annual interest
Loan Duration
Down Payment
Discount on the car
Trade-in Value
Leftover at Trade-in
Add Fees and Taxes to
Registration Fees
Sales Tax Rate

Monthly payment: $994.37

Pay Upfront $6,080.00
Total Loan $60,000.00
Total Interest $11,594.88
Sales Tax Amount $4,080.00
Total of 72 Payments $71,594.88
Loan Distribution
Loan Balance, Interest Payments
YearOpening balanceInterestPrincipalEnding balance
Year 1$60,000.00$3,366.99$8,565.48$51,434.52
Year 2$51,434.52$2,838.69$9,093.79$42,340.73
Year 3$42,340.73$2,277.81$9,654.67$32,686.06
Year 4$32,686.06$1,682.33$10,250.15$22,435.91
Year 5$22,435.91$1,050.12$10,882.36$11,553.56
Year 6$11,553.56$378.92$11,553.56$0.00

Cite as followed:
Zemtsov, I. "Car Loan Calculator"., 10th Jan 2024. Published at: Accessed: Sep 8, 2024.